Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Math, Date- 30/6/2020

Math, June 30,2020
Class Work: Discussion of Class Test questions.

Home Work:Complete the text book exercise questions of  ch1(Numbers) and ch2(Addition and Subtraction) and mail on the subject teacher id already shared in group.

Dance Session 4, grade IV C, 30th June 20

Dance Session 4, grade IV C, 30th June 20

English 30/6/20

Taught- Singular nouns and plural nouns 
H.w-.     Revise singular and plural noun 

Monday, 29 June 2020

Subject-Hindi. Date:- 30/06/2020

Topic taught:- गिनती (१ से १०)
१ से ३० तक की गिनती चित्र के उपयोग से किया गया।

१ से ३० की गिनती write in notebook.

homework 30/6/20

Topic taught- Organisations that help us
Meaning of Government organisations. 
Some of the services provided by bank.

Homework - Read the chapter 

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Subject-Hindi. Date:- 29/06/2020

Topic Taught

१ से १०

Refer ppt. in between us.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Subject-Hindi. Date:- 26/06/2020

Topic taught
Hindi worksheet
पाठ - भाषा तथा व्याकरण।

Read textbook pageno.1,2and3
and refer SSD also.

English 25/6/20

Taught- Taught message writing format
H.w-.       Practice message writing format

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Subject-Hindi. Date:- 25/06/2020

Topic taught
भाषा तथा व्याकरण।
व्याकरण की व्याख्या।
वाक्य शुद्ध करना।

पाठयपुस्तक के प्रश्न १,२,३,४,५,और६ का अभ्यास करें।

Math, Date - 25/6/2020

Math, June 25, 2020

Topic taught : Mental Math( Ch-2 : Addition and Subtraction)
Note: Class test of Ch-2(Addition and Subtraction ) will be conducted tomorrow(26/6/2020).
 Please prepare for it.

Evs homework 24/6/20

Topic taught - Ch8 Teeth and tongue

Homework- Complete ch8 in workbook and learn all answers. 

English 24/6/20

Taught - Explanation of Indian weavers poem.
H.w - Revise the format of message writing.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Subject-Hindi. Date:- 24/06/2020

Topic taught
भाषा तथा व्याकरण
भाषा की व्याख्या।
भाषा के प्रकार।
हिंदी भाषा की माहिती।

Home work
पाठ्य पुस्तक के पा.न. १और २ का अभ्यास करें।

Math, Date - 24/6/2020

Math, June 24,2020

Topic taught: Ch2- Addition and subtraction(revision)

Estimating sums and differences
 revision exercise

Q. Estimate the sum and difference by rounding off to the nearest place as directed. Also find the actual sum and difference.

a. 28,935 + 61,027 to the nearest 10.

b. 14,657 + 79,345 to the nearest 1000.

c. 89,173 - 56,792 to the nearest 100.

d. 46, 108 + 29,334 to the nearest 100.

e. 1,75,165 - 1,27,224 to the nearest 10.

Home work : Complete the exercises of chapter 2 in the notebook (given in the month of April)

Dance Session 3, grade IV C, 23rd June 20

Dance Session 3, grade IV C, 23rd June 20

Math, Date- 23/6/2020

Math, June 23,2020

Topic taught:-  Ch 2: Addition and Subtraction(revision)
  • Estimating Sums and Differences

Dance Session 3, Grade IV A & B, 22nd June 20

Dance Session 3, Grade IV A & B, 22nd June 20

Monday, 22 June 2020

Evs homework 23/6/20

Topic taught - ch 8 Teeth and tongue

Homework - Complete Q5 and Q6 in workbook... Learn all questions and answers. 

Subject-Hindi. Date:- 23/06/2020

Topic Taught
भाषा तथा व्याकरण
भाषा के प्रकार, लिपि , भाषा और लिपि।

पाठयपुस्तक के पा. न. १ और २ का वांचन कीजिए।

English 23/6/20

Taught- Explanation of the poem Indian weavers
H.w-  Learn poem Indian weavers for English recitation

EVS homework 22/6/20

Topic taught- Ch8 Teeth and tongue

Homework - learn all questions and answers.. 

Math, Date - 22/6/2020

Math, June 22, 2020
Topic taught - 
  • Subtraction of 5- and 6-digit numbers.
  • Subtraction with zeroes.
  • Properties of subtraction.
  • Addition and Subtraction together.

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Computer,Date- 22/6/2020

Computer, June 22, 2020
Ch- 2 Browsing the internet
Topic taught-

Components of World Wide Web(www)
  • web page
  • hyperlink
  • website
  • homepage
  • URL
  • HTML
Notebook work :-
New words
8.search engine
10. access

English 22/6/20

Taught- Class Test completed
H.w-  Revise the poem 
           Indian weavers

Subject-Hindi. Date:- 22/06/2020

Topic taught:- भाषा तथा व्याकरण
    भाषा की व्याख्या, भाषा के प्रकार, मौखिक भाषा और लिखित भाषा ।

 Home work
 हिंदी पाठयपुस्तक के पा. न.  १ और २ को मौखिक वांचन कीजिए।

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Circular Regarding Yoga Day

Dear Parent, 
Subject :PM’s video message on International Day of Yoga – 2020

It is a privilege to write against the backdrop of video message of Hon’ble Prime Minister to all participate in International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21st June 2020. In this regard, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India has developed and shared the links,as given below :
i) Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eA5vgCZSAINhUC5HrB_M4Pq57iSf_m28?usp=sharing
ii) We Transfer: https://we.tl/t-eqDUFBbATA
Prepare yourself and be there to do Yoga with the world.

Friday, 19 June 2020


Topic taught - ch 8 Teeth and tongue
Discussed Question and Answer

Homework - Revise the chapter and learn answers. 

grade 4A,B,C ,(Virtual class)subject: Art & craft,Act.no.4."mosaic"

English 19/6/20

Taught- Revision Nouns
H.w      - Prepare for English Test Nouns
               Collective noun 
                Proper noun
                Common noun

Math, Date- 19/6/2020

Math, June 19, 2020

Topic taught- Revision of chapter 2: Addition and subtraction.
  • Addition of 5 and 6 - digit number.
  • Story sums 
  • Properties of addition

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Subject-Hindi. Date:-19/06/2020

Topic :- आ रही रवि की सवारी।
             सूर्य का मुखौटा ।
           Lesson:-  आ रही रवि की सवारी read poem and refer all questions given in the lesson read it.

English 18/6/20

Taught - Oral Test 
H.w - Prepare for the Class Test 
          Noun - naming words
           Proper noun 
           Common noun
            Collective noun

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Math, Date- 18/6/2020

Math, June 18, 2020

Topic taught- Mental math of ch1: Numbers (Q5 to Q9)

EVS homework 18/6/20

Topic taught - ch 8 Teeth and Tongue
Quiz questions 

Homework - complete question 3 (Matching) and question 4 (Answer the following question) from book page no. 72. 

Subject-Hindi. Date:- 18/06/2020

Topic Taught :- आ रही रवि की सवारी।
Poem explained.

Home work
Read शब्दआर्थ ,सही शब्द चुनकर लिखिए, सही और ग़लत।


Topic taught : ch 8 Teeth and Tongue
Revision of the chapter with video. 

Homework-  Q1 Fill in the blanks and
                         Q2 True or False
Do these two questions from your textbook page no. 71 and 72.

English 17/6/20

English - Use of between us portal
H.w - Revise Naming words 
         Proper noun
         Common noun 
         Collective noun

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Subject-Hindi. Date:- 17/06/2020

Topic taught 

 Information related to worksheet uploading
 Reading lesson :- आ रही रवि की सवारी।

 Homework :- Read the poem and meanings.

Dance Video Session 2, grade IV C, 16th June

Dance Video Session 1 grade IV C 16th June

Subject-Hindi. Date :- 16/06/2020

Topic taught. :- आ रही रवि की सवारी।
Reading of the poem

Homework :- Read the poem and refer ssd

Math, Date- 16/6/20

Math, June 16, 2020
Topic taught - Mental Math of ch:1(Numbers)

Monday, 15 June 2020

English 16/6/20

Taught - Naming words and discussion of the test
H.w - Revise types of nouns from chapter - Nouns(grammar galaxy)

EVS Homework 16/6/20

Topic taught - ch 8 Teeth and Tongue
What will happen if we don't take care of our teeth?
How can we take care of our teeth?

Homework- write and learn these words with their meaning.

1. Crown - visible portion of our tooth

2. Milkteeth- the first set of 20 temporary teeth.

3. Permanent teeth- the second set of 32 permanent teeth.

4. Enamel- the hard covering of a tooth.

5. Dentine- bone-like substance present inside the enamel.

6.Pulp- the innermost part of a tooth that has nerves and blood vessels.

7. Gums - the soft tissue that holds the teeth in the jaw cavity.

Dance Video Session 2 Grade IV A & B, 15th June

Dance Video session 2 , grade IV A & B 15th June

Math, Date - 15/6/2020

Math, June 15, 2020

Topic taught - Discussion on questions given in the class test.

Homework - Revise ch1(Numbers)

Computer, Date - 15/6/2020

Computer, June 15,2020

Topic Taught- Ch:2 Browsing the internet

Basic requirement for an internet connection
 a. Internet Service Provider
 b. Modem
 c. Internet Connection

Homework - Revise the topic

Sunday, 14 June 2020

English 15/6/20

Taught- class test ch 1
H.w- revise the topic of grammar galaxy 
        Naming words ( nouns)

Subject-Hindi. Date :- 15/06/2020

Topic taught
Lesson no. खेलो में भारतीय महिलाए
Oral test
Home work :- Read the lesson 
 and prepare it for the test.

Music- Swar Gyan (Alankaars)

Friday, 12 June 2020


Topic taught - Ch 8 Teeth and Tongue
Different types of teeth

Homework -
Q1. How many types of teeth we have? Draw and write their names. 

Subject-Hindi. Date:- 12/06/2020

Topic taught
खेलो में भारतीय महिलाएं
१) मेरी कोम
२) सानिया नेहवाल
३) दीपिका कुमारी
Home work
Text book प्रश्न १ ,२और ३ को लिखिए।

English 12/6/30

Taught - oral test 
H.w- written test on chapter- 1 
The Happy valley 

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Math, Date - 11/6/2020

Topic taught-
 1. Comparing Numbers
 2. Roman Numerals

Math Homework - Revise the chapter 1: Numbers
for class test tomorrow.

English 11/6/20

Taught- Oral Test 
H.w-.      Revise new words meaning , sentences of the chapter 
       The Happy valley for oral test .

Subject-Hindi. Date :- 11/06/2020

Topic :- खेलो में भारतीय महिलाएं
१) पी. टी . ऊषा
२) हिमा दास
३) करणम मल्हेश्वरी

प्रश्न १)शब्दार्थ लिखिए।
१) प्रत्यक्ष - सीधा
 २) उपलब्धियों- सफलता
  ३) पदक - विशेष रूप से  बनाई हुई धातु का विजय प्रतीक चिह्न
   ४) अतुलनीय - जिसकी  तुलना  ना की जा सके
  ५) मार्गदर्शन - रास्ता दिखाना
  ६) प्रतिभा - कौशल
   ७) प्रशिक्षण - सिखलाना, ट्रेनिंग देना

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

EVS homework 10/6/2020

Topic taught- ch 8 Teeth and tongue
 Structure of tooth

Homework - Draw the structure of tooth and label the parts. 

English 10/6/20

Taught- Difference between lifestyle of village children and lifestyle of city children

revision h.w - learn the meanings and spellings of the new words chapter- 1 The happy valley

Math, Date- 10/6/2020

Topic Taught- Ch1: Numbers(Revision)

   1. Successor and Predecessor
   2. Formation of the Greatest and Smallest numbers
   3. Rounding off numbers

Math homework- Revise the topic taught.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Subject-Hindi Date:- 10/06/2020

Topic Taught :- खेलो में भारतीय महिलाएं ।
Grade - IV B
१) खेल के प्रकार 
    * घर के अंदर खेलेजाने वाला खेल ।
    * घर के बाहर खेले जाने वाला खेल।

 Read the lesson ' खेलो में भारतीय महिलाएं'।

Dance Video Session 1 (grade IV-C)

English 9/6/20

Explaination of the chapter 1 The happy valley

Learn new words , meaning , sentences
Of chapter The Happy valley ch1

Monday, 8 June 2020

Subject -Hindi. Date :- 9/06/2020

Topic Taught
खेलो में भारतीय महिलाएं
१) घर के बाहर खेले जानेवाले खेल
    १) क्रिक्रेट
    २) फुटबॉल
    ३) हॉकी
    ४) कब्बडी

Home work
   Read the lesson ' खेलो मै भारतीय महिलाएं'।

9/6/20 ,Math

June 09, 2020
Topic taught- Indian System of Numeration and Place Value and Face Value of digits.

Homework - Revise the topic taught.

Dance Video Session 1, grade IV A & B

EVS 8th June 2020

Topic taught : Ch 8 Teeth and Tongue
Covered the topic tongue, its functions,
Taste buds and how to take care of our tongue.

Homework :

English (8/6/20)

Taught functions of-
between us , blogger, google classroom

Home work-
Read chapter- The Happy valley ch 1

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Monday, 8 June 2020

Subject- Math, Date - 8/6/2020
Topic taught- Ch 1: Numbers(Revision)
Revision of Exercise 1.1

Homework: Revise the topic - reading and writing 5-digit and 6- digit numbers.

Subject-Hindi. Date :- 8/06/2020.

Topic :- खेलो में भारतीय महिलाएं
  * घर में खेले जाने वाले खेल
     १) चेस
     २) टेबल टेनिस
     ३) कैरम
      ४) बैडमिंटन

   Read the lesson 'खेलो में भारतीय महिलाएं'

Class Time table(2022-23) for Grade 4 A,B,C,D

  Grade IV Class Time table (2022-23) IV A IV B IV C IV D IV E