Thursday, 29 October 2020
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Math, Fractions
Math, October 28,2020
Ch- 6 Fractions (Screening Test and KWL Chart)
IV A- 27/10/2020
IV B and IV C - 28/10/2020
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Monday, 26 October 2020
COMPUTER - CH-4 Formatting text in Open Office Writer (26/10/20)
Chapter Name : Formatting text in Open Office Writer
Topic taught in IV A ,B,C : Find and Replace Option
Bullets and Numbering
PPT shown slide 3-13
Demonstrate Find and Replace ,Bullets and Numbering in
open office writer
Explain difference between bullets and numbering
Complete Learning by Doing activity given on pg 36
Term 2 EVS CH- 3 Animal Reproduction (26/10/20)
Meaning of reproduction- It is a process by which living beings produce young ones of their own kind.
On the basis of their mode of reproduction, animals can be grouped into two groups-
1. Animals that give birth to their offspring (young ones)
2. Animals that lay eggs from which their offspring hatch.
Animals that give birth to their young ones are called mammals. Examples- dogs, cats, cows, lions, elephant, goats.
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Math, Fractions
Math, October 26,2020
Topic taught: Ch 6- Fractions
Representing fractions
Refer the video given in Link 1 and PPT 1 provided in student resources on betweenus.
Activity done in class -
Students drawn the circle on blank sheet of paper and divide it into equal part as per the fraction and shed the part to represent the fraction.
Friday, 16 October 2020
Subject-Hindi Date:- 16/10/2029
Topic:- Revision
Homework :- Revise all the lessons.
All the best for the Exam.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Subject-Hindi. Date:- 15/10/2020
Taught:- Revision
Homework:- Revise all the lessons for mid term exam.
Math, Revision
Math, 14 October 2020
Revision - Factors and Multiples
H.W. - Practice questions of Mental Math.
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Monday, 12 October 2020
Subject-Hindi Date:- 13/10/2020
Taught:- Revision
Homework:- Revision all the lessons for mid term exam.
Sunday, 11 October 2020
Friday, 9 October 2020
Class Time table(2022-23) for Grade 4 A,B,C,D
Grade IV Class Time table (2022-23) IV A IV B IV C IV D IV E

Complete your notebook work and mail me on my email id - CHAPTER 1 FOOD AND DIGESTION NEW WORDS 1. Nutrients 2. Rou...
Date:- 3/9/21 D.T in Google form and kick start Date:-6/9/21 Topic taught:- K W L chart and adaptation on the basis of habitat. ...
Grade 4 Date: 21.6.2021 Sub: Computer Topic: Ch: Formatting Text in OpenOffice Writer Taught: Advanced Formatting Tools- 1) Find an...