Monday, 30 November 2020
Thursday, 26 November 2020
EVS Chapter 1 Food and Digestion Important points
TOPIC TAUGHT ON 24/11/2020, 25/11/2020 AND 26/11/2020
All living beings need food because it gives them the energy required to perform any activity. The food we eat contains a variety of of substances called nutrients which provide nourishment to the body. The five categories of nutrients present in our body are-
1. Carbohydrates
2. Proteins
3. Fats
4. Vitamins
5. Minerals
Out of these nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats are needed by the body in large amounts while vitamins and minerals are needed in smaller amounts.
1. Carbohydrate-
a. Carbohydrates provide us with energy.
b. They are found in the fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products.
c. Examples- rice, wheat, corn, potato, honey and sugarcane.
2. Proteins-
a. They are also called body-building foods.
b. They help our body to build new cells and repair the damaged ones.
c. Examples- eggs, beans and pulses, fish and meat, milk and milk products.
3. Fats-
a. Like carbohydrates, fats also provide us with energy. They are the richest source of energy in our diet.
b. Foods rich in fats are also called energy-giving foods.
c. Examples- ghee, nuts, butter and oil.
4. Vitamins-
a. Vitamins help our body fight against diseases and keep us healthy.
b. Foods rich in vitamins are called protective foods.
c. Examples- fruits (orange, papaya, mango), vegetables ( broccoli, bell paper, pumpkin), milk, eggs, sprouted grams, fish and meat.
4. Minerals-
a. Minerals keep us healthy and fit, help us renew our bones and teeth and help blood to function properly.
b. Some important minerals are - calcium, iron and iodine.
c. Calcium keeps our teeth and bones strong. ( milk and milk products)
d. Iron helps in formation of blood in our body. (green leafy vegetables and apples)
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Subject:- Hindi. Date:-26/11/2020
Topic:- पत्र लेखन ( पुनः अभ्यास)
Homework:- Complete it in notebook and upload it on betweenus portal.
Circular Regarding Online Workshop on Football and Basketball
November 25, 2020
Dear Parent,
Greetings of the day!
We are glad to inform you that Online Workshop on Football and Basketball has been arranged by India On Track.
*3 Days – Weekend Workshop
- Duration: 3 days, weekend.
- 3 times in a week, 1 hour each
- Days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- Course date: 27th, 28th and 29th November 2020.
- Timing:
1. Football – LaLiga Football Schools – 4PM to 5PM
2. Basketball – NBA Basketball Schools – 7PM to 8PM (INCLUDES ONE SPECIAL MASTERCLASS)
- Per Student Payout: Rs. 590/- for 3 days.
- Age group: Open for all
- Registration Link:
- Last date of enrolment: 27th November 2020 [12 noon]
* eCertificate From India On Track
*One Nutrition Chart to all participants
All sessions will be conducted on zoom.
For details, you may contact: +91 97696 56614/+91 98183 77385
Parents are requested to login with and make the payment.
Payment headings:
27th to 29th Nov. - Football – LaLiga - 4PM to 5PM
27th to 29th Nov. - Basketball – NBA – 6PM to 7PM
* Note : Participation is completely voluntary.
Team PIS Vadodara
Math,Patterns and Symmetry
Math, November 25,2020
Topic taught : Ch 11(Patterns and Symmetry)
Independent work by students of ch- Fractions
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Monday, 23 November 2020
Subject:- Hindi. Date:- 24/11/2020
Topic:- पत्र लेखन ( पुनः अभ्यास )
Homework:- Complete it your workbook and upload it on between us portal.
Sunday, 22 November 2020
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Math, Ch-6 Fractions
Math, November 11,2020
Topic Taught: Ch 6- Fractions(Workbook)
1. Complete the notebook work of chapter Fractions and mail on my mail id
2. Complete and upload the worksheet 1,2,3,4 provided in student resources on betweenus portal.
3. Complete the Activity given in student resources and mail on my mail id.
Computer - Formatting text using Open Office Writer(10/11/20)
Grade - IV A & C
Topic taught : Spelling and Grammar
Shortcut keys
Undo ,Redo command
Paragraph properties
Line spacing and shortcut keys
Computer H.W.
Do Learn by doing activity given in textbook on pg 42
Class Time table(2022-23) for Grade 4 A,B,C,D
Grade IV Class Time table (2022-23) IV A IV B IV C IV D IV E

Complete your notebook work and mail me on my email id - CHAPTER 1 FOOD AND DIGESTION NEW WORDS 1. Nutrients 2. Rou...
Date:- 3/9/21 D.T in Google form and kick start Date:-6/9/21 Topic taught:- K W L chart and adaptation on the basis of habitat. ...
Grade 4 Date: 21.6.2021 Sub: Computer Topic: Ch: Formatting Text in OpenOffice Writer Taught: Advanced Formatting Tools- 1) Find an...