Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Topic Taught : Ch1. Numbers(Mental Math Book)
Friday, 25 June 2021
Thursday, 24 June 2021
Subject-Hindi. Date:- 25/06/2021
Topic- वर्ण विचार ( पुनः अभ्यास)
Homework:- Read the textbook chapter वर्ण विचार।
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
TOPICS TAUGHT -- diagnostic test (Google form)
kick start , kwl chart done in note book .define star and universe.
HOMEWORK-- revise topics taught from textbook.PPT from student resources on between us.
DATE --14/6/21
TOPICS TAUGHT -- Revised universe ,star ,
The star is a sun,Giant star ,Galaxy .
HOMEWORK-- revise topics taught from textbook.PPT from student resources on between us.
DATE --15/6/21
TOPICS TAUGHT-- Recaptulation question asked . Revised Galaxy .
Define constellation and difference between Galaxy and constellation.
HOMEWORK--revise topics taught from textbook.video from student resources on between us.
DATE -- 17/6/21
TOPICS TAUGHT -- recaptulation question asked .
Solar system
Rotation and revolution .
New words explained and done in the notebook.
HOMEWORK -- revise topics taught from textbook.PPT from student resources on between us.
DATE -- 18/6/21
TOPICS TAUGHT-- recaptulation question asked. Revised planets and solar system.
Rotation and revolution of earth , satellite (man made and artificial) explained .
HOMEWORK --revise topics taught from textbook.PPT from student resources on between us.Draw a model of solar system .
DATE-- 22/6/21
TOPICS TAUGHT -- recaptulation question asked. Explained concept map .
Discussing objective type question.
Match the column.
True and false.
Fill in the blanks.
HOMEWORK-- revise topics taught from textbook.PPT from student resources on between us . Do all the questions in the textbook which are discussed in th class.
TOPICS TAUGHT -- recaptulation question asked. Exercise question answer discussed.
HOMEWORK-- Make a fact file of artificial satellite (any two). Do question answer in textbook and Notebook accordingly.
Answer of exercise -- Do in textbook.
Q1-- choose the correct option
a- moon
b- Galaxy
c- earth
Q2-- Fill in the blanks
a.solar energy
b.milky way
Q3-- Match the column
a. III
b. Iv
c. II
d. I
Q4-- True and false
a. F
Q5. a what is a orbit ?
Ans-- An orbit is a curved path taken by a planet or another object as it moves around another planet, star, moon etc.
b. What are heavenly bodies ?
Ans- Natural objects which are visible in the sky are called heavenly bodies.
Eg-- planets,stars, moon ,comets etc.
c. why stars are not visible in the day?
Ans- stars are not visible in the day due to bright light of the sun.
d. List two feature of the sun.
I. The sun is a hot ball of glowing gases(hydrogen and helium)
II. It is the primary source of heat and light
e. I.Difference between stars and planets .
Star--Stars have their own heat and light.
ii . Starts are countless.
Planets-- I.Planets do not have their own heat and light .
II. There are 8 planets in our solar system.
DATE-- 28/6/21
TOPICS TAUGHT-- Work book question and answer discussed
Activity ( test of Starch) discussed
Topic-Answer scheme (activity)
Work book question and answer
Of chapter (Type of plants and Plants make food)
Topic taught-Revised the chapter Our universe,Recapitulation question asked.subjetive answers (P.T1) discussed.
Diagnostic test in Google form taken for ch- EVS MAPS AND IT'S ELEMENTS. Students were asked to draw a Globe.
Home work- Revise the chapter-10 (Our universe)
A.T (Our universe) will be conducted on 22/7/21.
Monday, 21 June 2021
Subject- Hindi. Date:- 22/06/2021
Topic- अनुच्छेद लेखन। Grade-IV- C
Homework:- Complete it in your notebook and send it on mail.
Complete it in your textbook and send it on mail.
Grade 4 Date: 21.6.2021 Sub: Computer Topic: Ch: Formatting Text in OpenOffice Writer
Grade 4
Date: 21.6.2021
Sub: Computer
Topic: Ch: Formatting Text in OpenOffice Writer
Taught: Advanced Formatting Tools-
1) Find and Replace
For reference👇 Pg 34 and 35
Home work:
On page 34, Topic: Connect
Type the paragraph- "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" in OpenOffice Writer, practice with find and replace tool and save it on your desktop
For reference👇
Click the picture of your HW(Typing work, send it to me on my mail ID:
For Grade 4A & 4B :
I can be contacted at: 6354172432
For Grade 4C & 4D :
Date: 28/6/21
Create some lists in OpenOffice Writer and apply bullets and numbering
to the same.
For reference:👇
Create the below👇 lists in OpenOffice Writer and apply bullets and numbering
to the same.
Date: 19/7/21
Topics Taught:
Explanation and Demonstration of :
- Text Alignment (Left, Right, Centre & Justify)
- Use of Format Paintbrush to apply formatting of one section to another.
Practice use of Text alignment & Format PaintBrush for the following task and click the pictures of your work and send to my mail.
Grade 4
Date: 21.6.2021
Sub: Computer
Topic: Ch: Formatting Text in OpenOffice Writer
Topic Taught: Editing a document
Practical demonstration for the same was given using openoffice writer , keyboard shortcut for spelling and Grammar check was also explained.
For reference👇
1) Prepare for the upcoming AT
Date: 30/7/21
Topic Taught: (All the topics were practically demonstrated in class)
1)Using Thesaurus
2)Steps to use Thesaurus
3)Undo and Redo command
1) Prepare for the upcoming AT
2)Learning by doing exercise given on page 40-Find synonyms for research, review, clipboard, error and knowledge using
Date: 6/8/21
Topic Taught:
1) Line spacing: Steps to increase or decrease line spacing (Practically demonstrated in OpenOffice writer)
(Practically demonstrated in OpenOffice writer)
Do "Learning by doing" exercise given on page 42
Topic Taught:
a)New words and their meanings:
B) Textbook Exercises and Question Answers:
Q.2. Write down the shortcuts for the following actions.a. Undo: Ctrl +Zb. Redo: Ctrl +Y

Date: 16/8/21
Topic Taught:
1)Workbook was discussed and completed in the class.
2) Link for DT for the chapter "Browsing the Internet" was shared with the students.
Click the pictures of your HW (Typing work,
Textbook Exercises and Notebook work ) and send it to following mail IDs:
For Grade 4A & 4B :
I can be contacted at: 6354172432
For Grade 4C & 4D :
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Class Time table(2022-23) for Grade 4 A,B,C,D
Grade IV Class Time table (2022-23) IV A IV B IV C IV D IV E

Complete your notebook work and mail me on my email id - sumita.mishra@podar.org CHAPTER 1 FOOD AND DIGESTION NEW WORDS 1. Nutrients 2. Rou...
Date:- 3/9/21 D.T in Google form and kick start Date:-6/9/21 Topic taught:- K W L chart and adaptation on the basis of habitat. ...
Grade 4 Date: 21.6.2021 Sub: Computer Topic: Ch: Formatting Text in OpenOffice Writer Taught: Advanced Formatting Tools- 1) Find an...