Thursday, 28 October 2021




    27/10/2021 (WEDNESDAY) 

    TOPIC TAUGHT (Today)
    Ch- 10 (My Shadow)
  • Poem ( read and explained)
  • A video showed and explained
  • Short questions were asked related to the poem.
  • PPT shown (practice with images and shadow done in class)
  • AI activity explained in class.

  •  Learn the poem for recitation
  •  AI Activity ( Note- All have to complete this activity in the scrapbook) 
    Instructions for the AI Activity.  πŸ‘‡

Stick the Activity sheet on an old notebook cover, chart paper, or cardboard.
β†’ Cut the images/shapes given on the activity sheet
β†’ You can colour the images
β†’ Stick Popsicles behind the images to make the animal puppets. There are a total of 7 puppets. 
β†’ Use the puppets to tell a story.

Create the shadows of the animal puppets on the wall with the help of a torch, candle, or mobile flashlight.

β†’ Narrate the story of the Hare and the Tortoise using the animal puppet shadows.
β†’ Record your story and send it to my mail  ( by Monday(1st November 2021).


    28/10/2021 (THURSDAY) 
    TOPIC TAUGHT  (Today)
    Ch- 10 (My Shadow)
  • TB Exercises done
  • NB work done
     Textual answers for reference πŸ‘‡

    Q.1. Complete the following sentences.
     a) the heels up to the head 
    b) he jumps into his bed 
    c) the way he likes to grow 
    d) every sort of way 
    e) an arrant sleepy-head

    Q.4. Identify and write the words used by the poet to describe the shadow. 
india-rubber,    coward,     lazy little,    sleepy-head

       NB work for reference πŸ‘‡

New words                                               H.W                         

1. shoots

2. sort

3. stick

4. ought

    5. proper

    Meanings and sentences. (Note- Kindly leave 2 pages for meaning and sentences)

     Q.3. Rhyming words 

            1.  see – me

            2.  grow – slow

            3.  ball – all

            4.  play – way

            5.  up – butter cup

        Q.2. Answer the following questions.

            Qa.  What is funny about the shadow?

           Ans a) The funniest thing about the shadow is the way he likes to grow. He doesn’t grow like normal children. He sometimes becomes tall and sometimes so little that there is nothing of him at all. 

            Qb.  Why does the poet call the shadow β€˜a coward’?

            Ans b) The poet calls the shadow a coward because he sticks close behind the poet. He does not know how to play like other children. 

            Qc.  What did the poet find when he woke up early in the morning?

            Ans c) When the poet woke up early in the morning, he found shining dew on every buttercup. 

            Qd.  β€˜And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.’ Why does the poet say this?

            Ans d) The poet says this line because he does not see any use of the shadow except that he can see it all the time. 

            Qe.  Where was the shadow when the poet woke up early one morning?

            Ans e) When the poet woke up early one morning, his lazy shadow stayed at home and lay fast asleep.


  •  Write the word galaxy in NB (refer to TB)
  • Complete new words in HW
  • Complete Q5 in NB πŸ‘‡
        Q5. Write a paragraph describing your shadow.

     29/10/2021 (FRIDAY) 
    TOPIC TAUGHT  (Today)
    Ch- 10 (My Shadow)
  • NB work done
  • WB work done
  • AT- The Present Tense
     NB work for reference πŸ‘‡
    Meaning and sentences
    1.  ought - used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions.
    SentThey ought to respect the law.

    2. sort- a category of things or people with a common feature; a type.
    Sent-They are the best sort of people I have ever met.

    3. stick- to hold to something firmly by
    SentI think we'd better stick to the river.

    4. proper - suitable or appropriate.
    SentYou shall receive proper pay for your work.

    5. funniest- difficult to explain or understand; strange or odd.
    Sent-  This might be the funniest movie I've ever seen.

     WB work for reference πŸ‘‡

      1. Fill in the blanks with the correct option.  
            a) The poet has a little ___________ that goes in and out with him. 
            i. shadow    ii. puppy    iii. kitten    iv. brother 

            b) The funniest thing about the shadow is he likes to ___________. 
            i. dribble     ii. fall     iii. grow     iv. follow

             c) Sometimes the shadow gets so ______________ that there is none of him at all. 
            i. huge     ii. little     iii. elongated     iv. scattered 

            d) The shadow makes a ______________ of the poet in every sort of way. 
            i. prisoner     ii. clown     iii. fool     iv. coward 

            e) The poet rose and found the shining ________ on every buttercup. 
            i. coin     ii. gem     iii. dew     iv. pear

            2. Answer the following questions in two sentences. 
             a) Why does the poet call the shadow a coward? What does he feel is a shame? 
             Ans.  The poet calls the shadow a coward because it always stays close to him. He feels it  would be a shame if he would stick to his nurse like his shadow does to him. 

            b) What did the poet and his shadow do one morning? 
            Ans.  The poet rose early morning and found the dew on every buttercup. His shadow stayed at home and continued to sleep in bed.

            3. Unscramble the given words: 
            a) shlee  - heels 
            b) mjpu  -  jump 
            c) burreb-daini   -   india-rubber 
            d) rlaye  -   early 
            e) cbtreutpu  -   buttercup

  • Complete Q5 in WB.
        Snooping in the Sunlight.  Go out in the sunlight. You decide the time of the day. Fill in the investigation sheet. 
Day: ____________ Date: ____________ Time: _______a.m./p.m. - ______ a.m./p.m. 

    a) Can you see your own shadow?

    b) Does it always follow you? 
    c) Is your shadow like you or someone else? 

    d) Is it the same from the head to the heels? 

    e) Now jump! Who jumped first, you or your shadow? 

    f) Will your shadow always be of the same size? 

    g) Is your shadow taller or shorter than you? 

    h) When will your shadow become smaller and bigger? 

     i) When will your shadow be in front of you and behind you? 

     j) On which side is the shadow?        

Wednesday, 27 October 2021




1. Division by 10, 100 and 1000

2. Solved Exercise 4.6

                                          GRADE: 4           SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS 



1. Solved Exercise 4.5 sums

2. Properties of Division

Solve Exercise 4.5 d,e anf i

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Subject- Hindi. Date- 26/10/2021


Topic  - ΰ€΅ΰ€šΰ€¨ΰ₯€

Complete it in your notebook and send it on mail.

Complete it in your textbook and send it on mail.

Complete it in your workbook and upload it on between us.

Monday, 25 October 2021




1. Exercise 4.4 Q1(A, B & C)

2. Division with Zero in the Quotient (Explanation with PPT)


Complete Exercise 4.4 Q2 (D)



    25/10/2021 (MONDAY) 

    TOPIC TAUGHT (Today)
    Comprehension- 5 (Grammar Galaxy)
  • Comprehension reading done by students ( Explanation done in virtual class by teacher)  
  • Exercise done. ( by students and discussed the answers in class)
    Textual answers for reference πŸ‘‡

     1. Choose the correct option.

       a) The Mona Lisa 
       b) believed that the painting belonged to Italy
       c) scientist, an inventor, and a doctor 
       d) of his ability to study the human body 

        2. Choose the word that means the same as the following.

        a) noticeable 
        b) correctly
  • Complete the work and submit it by mail to your respective subject teacher.
    1. Prepare well for the AT ( Ch- 23- The Present Tense) on Thursday( 28/10/21)

    26/10/2021 (TUESDAY) 

    TOPIC TAUGHT (Today)
    Comprehension- 5 (Grammar Galaxy)
  • Comprehension reading done by students ( Explanation done in virtual class by teacher)  
  • Exercise done. ( by students and discussed the answers in class)
    Textual answers for reference πŸ‘‡

     1. Choose the correct option.

       a) The Mona Lisa 
       b) believed that the painting belonged to Italy
       c) scientist, an inventor, and a doctor 
       d) of his ability to study the human body 

        2. Choose the word that means the same as the following.

        a) noticeable 
        b) correctly
  • Complete the work and submit it by mail to your respective subject teacher.
    1. Prepare well for the AT ( Ch- 23- The Present Tense) on Thursday( 28/10/21)

Friday, 22 October 2021

Subject:- Gujarati

 Topic:- ΰͺͺΰͺ—ΰͺ²ΰ«ΰͺ‚ ૨ΰ«ͺ ΰͺ…ΰͺ¨ΰ«‡ ΰͺͺΰͺ—ΰͺ²ΰ«ΰͺ‚ ૨૫ 

Subject:- Gujarati

 Topic:- ΰͺœΰ«‹ΰͺ‘ΰͺ•ΰͺ£ΰͺΎΰͺ‚ ( Riddles )

Grade 4 Date: 22.10.2021 Sub: Computer Topic: Desktop Management

 Grade 4  

Date: 22.10.2021 

Sub: Computer  

Topic: Desktop Management

Topic Taught:

1) Identification of a taskbar:

2) Moving the task bar:

3) Hiding the task bar:

4) Locking the task bar:


1)Do the connect activity given on page 21, page 22

2) Read and practice page 21, 22 of your text book


Date: 12/11/21

Topic Taught: 1) What is a shortcut, what are the steps to create a shortcut.

                       2) How to change a wall paper or what are the steps to change a wallpaper.

                       3) What are the steps to change a screen saver.


                          Home Work: 

Date: 16.11.2021


Topics taught:

  • Recapitulation- Changing Wall paper, setting screen saver and creating shortcut.
  • Explained- Steps to change Date & Time, Increase /Decrease Volume, Search files/folders/programs from Start button and Windows explorer search box.
Complete the New words and New terms in the notebook.

Date: 23.11.2021


Topics taught:

  •  Discussed textbook exercise.
Complete the notebook work. Refer the answers given πŸ‘‡

Work Book exercises:

1) Kindly send all your notebook and textbook work on your respective subject teachers E-mail.

2) Kindly upload your workbook on between us.

    Thursday, 21 October 2021

    Subject- Hindi. Date- 22/10/2021

    Topic  - ΰ€΅ΰ€šΰ€¨ΰ₯€

    Complete it in your notebook and send it on mail.

    Complete it in your textbook and send it on mail.

    Complete it in your workbook and upload it on between us.


    Exercise 4.3

    Solve Q2 (d)


    Solve Q1 (f,g,h)

    Tuesday, 19 October 2021

    Grade 4 - English (GRAMMAR GALAXY) - Date:20/10/21- VIRTUAL ONLINE CLASS DETAILS - Chapter: The Present Tense

    Grade 4 - English (GRAMMAR GALAXY) 


    Chapter: The Present Tense

    Topics Taught: 

    1) Diagnostic Test related to the chapter was taken in class.

    2) Definition of simple present tense with examples was explained.

    3) Identification of the simple present tense form of a verb was practised.

    4) Usage of the simple present continuous tense correctly in sentences was practised.

    5) A video related to the topic was shown to the students and they were asked to perform the following task: (If not done yet, kindly complete these tasks as your homework):

      β€’ Identify the actions done by Tom and Jerry. 

      β€’ Write at least two sentences about the actions done in present tense form.


    1) Please read Page 83 and 84 of the Grammar Galaxy book, questions related to these two pages will be asked in the upcoming class.

    2)  Make sentences with the simple present tense form of the verb given below:

     a) drive: ______________________________________________

     b) play: _______________________________________________

     c) give: _______________________________________________ 

    d) walk: _______________________________________________

    e) drink: _______________________________________________

     f) wash: _______________________________________________

     g) draw: _______________________________________________

     h) write: _______________________________________________

     i) clean: ________________________________________________

    After completing the task given above, please send it through mail to your respective subject teachers.


    Date: 21/10/21

    Topic Taught: 

    1) Define the present continuous tense 

    2) Identify the present continuous tense form of a verb 

    3) Use the present continuous tense correctly in sentences

    Home work:

    1) An Activity sheet has been shared with students, kindly colour the Easter eggs as directed and send it on mail, you can draw the pictures in your notebook instead of taking out a print of it.

    2) Fill in the blanks with the present continuous tense of the verb given in the bracket. 

    a) The man _______________ (drive) the car carefully.                     

    b) The squirrels ___________________ (climb) on the tree.           

    c) Mohan and Naresh _______________ (plant) saplings in the garden. 

    d) The cat _____________ (chase) the mouse. 

    e) I ______________ (cook) dinner for everyone. 

    Answers for Q2 :

    a)  is driving

    b) are climbing

    c) are planting

    d) is chasing

    e)  am cooking

    Please complete your home work and send it on your respective teachers mail.


     Date: 22/10/21

    Topic Taught: Grammar Galaxy textbook exercises

    Note: There is a correction in Q2d, answer should be- are sitting, humming

    Home Work: 

    1)Write Q4 given on page 86 in English note book. 

    2) Complete the three worksheets given to you for extra grammar practice work and submit through mail.

    3) Prepare for the upcoming Achievement Test which is scheduled on 28/10 21( Thursday).

    Monday, 11 October 2021

    Chapter: Division

    Exercise 4.2
    Solve Q2. Cand D


    Exercise 4.3
    Solve Q1. C to H

    Friday, 8 October 2021

    Chapter: Division


    Solve Q1. c, e and g  

    Chapter: Division
    Exercise 4.1

    Solve Q1. b and d, 
              Q2. b and c,
              Q3. c, f and g
              Q4. c, d and f

    Class Time table(2022-23) for Grade 4 A,B,C,D

      Grade IV Class Time table (2022-23) IV A IV B IV C IV D IV E