SYLLABUS (2020-21) TERM 1
Term I |
1) Ch. 1: Numbers Ø 4-digit numbers Ø Exercise 1.1 Ø 5-digit numbers Ø 6-digit number Ø Exercise 1.2 (Q.1 to Q. 5) Ø Place value and face value of digits Ø Exercise 1.4 (Q.1 only) Ø Formation of greatest and smallest numbers Ø Exercise 1.6 Ø Rounding off numbers Ø Exercise 1.7 Ø Roman Numerals Ø Exercise 1.8 Ø Revision exercise: (Q.4, Q.6, Q.10) |
2) Ch. 2: Addition and Subtraction Ø Addition of 5-digit numbers Ø Exercise 2.2 Ø Addition of 6-digit numbers Ø Exercise 2.3 Ø Story sums on addition Ø Exercise 2.5 Ø Subtraction of 5-digit numbers Ø Exercise 2.7 Ø Subtraction of 6-digit numbers Ø Exercise 2.8 Ø Addition and subtraction together Ø Exercise 2.11 Ø Story sums on subtraction Ø Exercise 2.12 Ø Revision Exercise (Q.1 to Q.4) |
3) Ch. 3: Multiplication Ø Multiplication of a 3-digit number by a 2-digit number Ø Exercise 3.2 (Q.2 and Q.3) Ø Multiplication of a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number Ø Exercise 3.3 (Q.2 and Q.3) Ø Multiplication of a 3-digit number by a 3digit number Ø Exercise 3.4 (Q.2 and Q.3) Ø Revision Exercise (Q.2 and Q.3) |
4) Ch. 10: Geometry Ø Types of lines Ø Exercise 10.2 Ø Measuring line segments Ø Drawing line segments Ø Exercise 10.3 Ø Solid shapes Ø Nets Ø Exercise 10.7 (Q.2 only) Ø Revision Exercise (Q2, Q3, Q4) |
5) Ch. 4: Division Ø Division of 5-digit number by a 1-digit number Ø Exercise 4.2 Ø Division of a 3-digit number by a 2-digit number Ø Exercise 4.3 Ø Division of a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number Ø Exercise 4.4 Ø Division with zero in the quotient Ø Exercise 4.5 Ø Revision Exercise |
6) Ch 5: Factors and Multiples Ø Factors Ø Exercise 5.1 Ø Common factors Ø Exercise 5.2 Ø Prime and composite numbers Ø Exercise 5.3 (Q.2 and Q.3) Ø Multiples Ø Exercise 5.4 Ø Revision Exercise (Q.1 to Q.4, Q.6 to Q.9) |
Term I |
1) Ch. 2: Browsing the Internet |
2) Ch. 1: Inside the System Unit |
3) Ch. 3: Desktop Management |
Term I |
1) पाठ− खेलों में भारतीय महिलाएँ |
2) कविता− आ रही रवि की सवारी |
3) व्याकरण− भाषा और व्याकरण |
4) जानकारी− गिनती १ से ३० (शब्दों तथा अंकों में) |
5) रचना− अनुच्छेद-लेखन |
6) व्याकरण− शब्द-विचार |
7) रचना− चित्र पर आधारित रचना |
8) व्याकरण− संज्ञा |
9) लहर− डाकू अंगुलिमाल |
10) पुनःअभ्यास 1− अनुच्छेद लेखन |
11) व्याकरण− लिंग |
12) |
13) जानकारी− गिनती ३१ से ४५ (शब्दों तथा अंकों में) HW |
14) पाठ− हमारा भोजन |
15) |
16) रचना− कहानी-लेखन |
17) रचना− पत्र-लेखन |
Term I |
1) Prose: The Happy Valley |
2) Reading: Comprehension 1 |
3) Grammar: Nouns |
4) Poem: Indian Weavers |
5) Writing: Message Writing |
6) Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns |
7) Reading: Comprehension 2 |
8) Grammar: Countable and Uncountable Nouns |
9) Poem: Twenty Froggies |
10) Reading: Comprehension 3 |
11) Grammar: Pronouns |
12) Prose: Notes and Strokes |
13) Writing: Letter Writing |
14) Grammar: Articles |
15) Prose: Masha and the Bear |
16) Reading: Comprehension 4 |
17) Grammar: Adjectives |
18) Writing: Key Idea and Supporting Details |
19) Grammar: Degrees of Comparison |
20) Prose: Tine and the Faraway Mountain |
21) Grammar: Verbs |
Term I |
1) Ch. 8: Teeth and Tongue |
2) Ch. 22: Organisations That Help Us |
3) Ch. 5: Types of Plants |
4) Ch. 6: Plants Make Food |
5) Ch. 10: Our Universe |
6) Ch. 14: World and Its Physical Features |
7) Ch. 12: Pollution |
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