Friday 16 April 2021

 Grade 4C

Date: 9.4.2021

Sub: Computer

Ch- Inside the System Unit

Topics taught: 

1. Explanation of terms: Hardware & Software

2. Components of CPU:

    a) Processor

    b) Main Memory: RAM and ROM

Homework: Learning by doing 

Date: 16.4.2021

Topics taught: 

1. Revised topics of previous class: Processor, Main Memory
2. Explained Types Main Memory-RAM & ROM, Types of ROM (PROM, EPROM, EEPROM)

Learn the types of ROM. (Refer the soft copy of textbook posted in your Whatsapp group)

Date: 23.4.2021

Topics taught: 
 1. Recapitulation
2. Explanation of Secondary memory, use of Hard disk, Pen drive, CD.
3. Explanation of other components and their functions: CD Drive, SMPS, Computer Fan and Ports (Power supply,PS/2, VGA, USB, Audio)

 Write the New words in notebook. (Refer the format given below)

Date: 30.4.2021

Topics taught: 
1. Revised different Ports.
2. Explained Motherboard.
3. Discussed Textbook exercise Q1,Q2 and Q3.

Complete the notebook work. Refer the link sent on your class whatsapp group.

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Class Time table(2022-23) for Grade 4 A,B,C,D

  Grade IV Class Time table (2022-23) IV A IV B IV C IV D IV E