17/06/2021 (THURSDAY)
CH- 2 (Comprehension- 2)
Comprehension - 2 (Grammar Galaxy)
The comprehension passage was read by students.
Comprehension passage was read and explained ( By teacher)
The exercises Q/A's done in the virtual class.
Comprehension -2 👇👇
Note- Complete the following page in the Handwriting Helper book (Page -2 and 3) with neat and clean handwriting. 👇
Note 1-
Scrapbook Work
AI Activity (Art Integration )
Collect five pictures of animals and objects. Make a collage from the pictures. Write the plural form of each picture.
Make it colourful.
Note 2-
Submit the following work by Saturday(19/6/21)
1. Ch-1- The Happy Valley (Prose)
2. Comprehension -1 (Grammar Galaxy)
3. Ch-15 - Nouns (Grammar Galaxy)
4. Ch-2- Indian Weavers (Prose)
5. Ch- 9- Message writing (Grammar Galaxy)
6. Ch-16 - Singular and Plural Nouns (Grammar Galaxy)
Those who have submitted kindly ignore.
Note 3-
Eng google form Test will be conducted on Monday(21/6/21).
Revise the following chapters ( From TB, NB, and WB)
1. Ch-1- The Happy Valley (Prose)
2. Ch-15 - Nouns (Grammar Galaxy)
3. Ch-2- Indian Weavers (Prose)
4. Ch-16 - Singular and Plural Nouns (Grammar Galaxy)
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