Friday 13 August 2021



taught- D.T in Google form.Kick start. Mountain is a land form explained

HOME WORK:- Revise the topic taught in the from the students resources.complete k.w.l chart (Students can add more points in k.w.l Chart also)

Date:- 16/8/21
Topic taught:- Land form, mountain, mountain range , mountain peak, plateaus explained.
Home work:- Revise the topic taught in the from the students resources.

Write 5 mountain ranges  in a paper apart from the Name given in the textbook and keep it in the fact file.

Topic taught:- Recaptulation question asked. Land form, Valley, plains, Desert.  Physical features explained .
Home work:- Revise the topic taught in the class, video from students resources.

Topic taught:- Recapitulation question asked.lsland, Peninsula, civilization, inhabited. Concept map discussed.

Home work:- Revise the topic taught in the class, video and PPT from the students resources.


Make a 3 -D model  of all  types of Land forms ( mountain, plateaus, plains, island, peninsula, desert, valley by using clay or any eco- friendly materials)   learnt  and stick them on an A-4 size paper.

Students can keep on a hard surface below the paper for support (tray,plate or cardboard etc).  Write 2/3 examples of all types of Land forms . write theses examples down on a piece of paper.

Click a good picture of 3 D model and submit it on or before 23/8/21.

Date:- 19/8/21
Topic taught:- Recaptulation question asked. All land form discussed.

Home work:- Learn  All land forms
And complete Exercise question and answer( Students can write the answer by themselves)
New words:-
Island:-  An lsland is a land area that is surrounded by water.
Peninsula:- It is a land form that is surrounded by water on three sides.

New terms:-

Archipelago:- It is a group of island located in the ocean.
Civilization:-Well developed human societies.
Inhabited:- People or animals living in a particular place.

EXERCISE ANSWERS( Write in Note book)

 Q3)  a. Plains are large areas of flat land.plains are mostly fertile and it is suitable for growing crops.

b) Valley is a low area of Land between hills or mountains. Ex- Narmada River Valley.

C) A  peninsula  is a land form that is sorrrounded by water on three sides. 
For example , the southern part of india.

D) Mountain- A mountain is a land form higher than the sorrrounding area. Ex - Himalayas in Asia and rockey mountains in North America.

Plateau -  lt is a flat topped land rising from the surrounding area with steep slopes on one or more sides. It is also called as table land . Ex- Colorado plateau.

1) a) ii . River Nile
b) i.Majuli
c) IV. Sahara

Q2) a) Plateau
b) peak
c) Archipelago
4-a) Island
b) An island is a land area that is surrounded by water in an ocean or sea.
c) Australia,Srilanka.

Date:- 23/8/21   WORK BOOK

Sample of project

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